

Moles (birthmarks), also called naevi, are benign pigmented cells in the skin. Almost everyone has moles; an average person has about twenty of them. Exposure to the sun in particular is an important factor for their development. Moles are benign as long as they don’t change shape or colour. Some moles, however, can develop into melanoma: a malignant mole. To recognize a malignant mole/melanoma, you can use the so-called ABCD rule:

A: asymmetry
B: border
C: colour
D: diameter

If a mole is asymmetrical, has an uneven border / irregular boundaries, has two or more colours or has a diameter larger than 6 mm, it is highly recommended to have your mole checked by a doctor. Also when a mole hurts, starts bleeding or itches, it’s very important that you have it checked.

Treatment options for moles at Van Lennep Kliniek

Benign moles can be removed effectively at Van Lennep Kliniek using the appropriate laser equipment, or with a small excision (dermatosurgery). The cosmetic doctors, plastic surgeon or skin therapist are happy to give you more information about the various treatment options and precautions. After the first consultation, which is free, the practitioner will determine which treatment plan is suitable for you. We would like to hear your wishes and we’ll discuss with you which treatments are suitable and what results you can expect. Please be sure to make an appointment.

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