
The power of Vitamin B3 — or Niacinamide

November 18, 2024
Published on
July 30, 2021

Do you already have skin care products containing vitamin B3 in your closet? Chances are that after reading this blog, you are (even more) convinced to use it!
Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is an effective and much-discussed ingredient in daily skin care. This popular ingredient can be used for all skin types and works like a true multi-tasker. We have listed all the benefits of niacinamide for you!

1.Niacinamide repairs sun damage

Niacinamide neutralizes free radicals. Free radicals that are created by UV radiation, for example, attach themselves to healthy cells, resulting in cell damage. This cell damage can be caused by the development of pigmentation, redness, fine lines and wrinkles. Niacinamide ensures that existing pigment spots are reduced, the production of pigment spots is prevented, the skin aging process slows down and reduces redness.

2.Niacinamide provides a nice healthy glow

Generally, niacinamide is not seen as an exfoliating ingredient, but research shows that it has a mild exfoliating effect on the skin. As a result, it ensures that dead skin cells are removed from the skin, making the skin look less grey and therefore healthier. The skin also feels smoother and softer!

3.Niacinamide stimulates collagen production

An important function for many people is to stimulate collagen. By stimulating collagen, the skin becomes firm and the skin gets more body. Perfect against skin aging!

4.Niacinamide restores the skin barrier

Niacinamide stimulates the production of ceramides and free fatty acids. Ceramides ensure that the skin barrier repairs and an intact skin barrier ensures more skin resilience. In addition, much less moisture evaporates, so that the skin stays better hydrated. Ideal for dehydrated skin that feels dry and will reduce dry lines.

5.Niacinamide has anti-inflammatory properties

Its anti-inflammatory properties also make niacinamide very popular among people who suffer from acne, rosacea, or red spots. The ingredient inhibits histamine production; this substance causes redness and itching in mosquito bites, for example. Other substances that cause an inflammatory response (redness, itching, swelling) are also inhibited. Several good and independent studies have been conducted that have shown that niacinamide calms the skin. Sometimes, the ingredient is even used by dermatologists to calm certain skin conditions.

6.Niacinamide is highly effective for melasma and pigmentation

The release of pigment to surrounding skin cells is prevented by means of niacinamide, which prevents the risk of superficial pigmentation and pigment peaks in melasma. This results in a reduction of both pigment spots and melasma.

7.Niacinamide for acne-prone skin

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, niacinamide fits perfectly into your home skincare routine. This is because it inhibits sebum production and prevents signs of residual acne or PIH from developing. These are often reddish brown spots after the inflammation has disappeared.

In which products can you find this all-rounder?

-SkinCeutics Metacell Renewal B3

-SkinCeutics Discoloration Defense serum

-Advanced Brightening UV Defense

SkinCeutics Metacell Renewal B3

Niacinamide is a very nice ingredient to add to a skincare routine, especially because of its many benefits. All of this ensures beautiful, healthy skin. If you have any questions about which product might suit your skin type/indication, please do not hesitate to contact us!

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