Complaints procedure

Do you want to report a complaint?

It is possible that you are not satisfied with the treatment or service at the Van Lennep clinic. Fortunately, we have a clear procedure especially for our customers to deal with the complaint. We take a complaint very seriously, because we always want to keep improving.

We would be happy to talk to you about what you are dissatisfied with. But you can also report a complaint to us without an interview. To do this, request the complaint form from one of our employees or via We will try to handle your complaint satisfactorily within 4 weeks at the latest.

If you do not want to discuss your complaint directly with the therapist at Van Lennep Kliniek, you can do so via our external complaints committee. Under the new Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (the Wkkgz), healthcare providers, including cosmetic doctors, are obliged to join an approved Dispute Authority and provide an independent complaints officer. We have been affiliated with the Disputes Authority and DoKH's independent complaints officers since 2016,

Below is the brochure about DoKH's complaints procedure:

A complaint about your doctor

You have a complaint about your doctor. What now?

DoKH Complaints Procedure

A good relationship between you and your doctor is important. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen that interfere with this relationship. You are dissatisfied, you have a complaint.
This brochure provides information about what to do if you have a problem with your doctor. You can read about the options for resolving your complaint and how your complaint is dealt with within DoKH's complaints procedure.

Working it out together

First, try to discuss and resolve the problem in a personal conversation with your doctor. If this does not work, your doctor will put you in contact with the DoKH complaints officer.

Complaint relief

You will have an interview with the complaints officer. You deal with this with your complaint, as it were. The complaints officer supports you throughout the process. You can go here with your questions, you will receive advice and, if necessary, help in formulating the complaint in writing.
If your complaint is clear, you will work with the complaints officer to find a solution.

The first option that is usually chosen is complaint mediation. You can indicate to your complaints officer whether you are open to this.

Complaint mediation

Many complaints can be resolved in a conversation where an impartial mediator sits at the table.
If both you and your doctor indicate that mediation is desirable, an initial mediation meeting will follow within two weeks. The complaints officer acts as mediator.
During the mediation meetings, you and your doctor will have the opportunity to explain the event (s). When understanding grows back and forth, a workable situation often occurs again. The ultimate goal of the mediation is to restore the relationship between you and your doctor.

Rules of the game

  • Help from the complaints officer, complaint mediation and complaint handling are free of charge for you.
  • Mediation is only successful if both parties agree on this.
  • Mediation is based on mutual respect and trust.
  • All those involved in the process are extremely careful with your privacy and have a duty of confidentiality.
  • The full complaints procedure can be downloaded at

Are you unable to work it out with the complaints officer?

If you cannot reach an agreement despite the mediation discussions, the complaints officer will support you in any next step. Your complaint will then become a dispute.

DoKH Foundation
Complaints and Disputes Division
Ruby Street 6
Tel: 072-520 83 25

Onderstaand patiëntenfolders over de klachtenregeling en geschillen behandeling:

Patiëntenfolder klachtenregeling DOKh (PDF)
Patiëntenfolder geschillen behandeling (PDF)

Free intake interview

As a new customer, we would like to invite you for a free and non-binding consultation worth €50. During this appointment, our doctor will provide you with treatment advice.