It is possible that you are not satisfied with the treatment or service at the Van Lennep clinic. Fortunately, we have a clear procedure especially for our customers to deal with the complaint. We take a complaint very seriously, because we always want to keep improving.
We would be happy to talk to you about what you are dissatisfied with. But you can also report a complaint to us without an interview. To do this, request the complaint form from one of our employees or via We will try to handle your complaint satisfactorily within 4 weeks at the latest.
Pursuant to the Act on Quality, Complaints and Disputes in Healthcare (the Wkkgz), healthcare providers, including cosmetic doctors, are required to join a recognized Dispute Authority and provide an independent complaints officer. We are affiliated with DOKh's Dispute Authority and independent complaints officer,, as of 2016. If you cannot come to an immediate agreement with the clinic then you can turn to DOKh's independent complaints officer. If, despite the mediation talks, you do not come to a solution, the complaints officer will support you in any next step. Your complaint then becomes a dispute.