Are you considering treatment with injectables?

Wat is een injectable?

Do wrinkles or a pronounced frown make you appear unnecessarily old or tired? Are you eager to proactively combat skin aging or enhance a specific facial contour or feature? Looking to rejuvenate your face while boosting your self-confidence at the same time? Injectables are the ideal solution! Van Lennep Clinic specialises in diverse wrinkle treatments and skin-improving injectables with a focus on natural results.

Fillers, zoals hyaluronzuur, worden gebruikt om volume toe te voegen aan gebieden zoals de lippen, wangen of onder de ogen. Ze zijn ideaal voor het opvullen van diepe lijnen en het herstellen van de jeugdige volheid van het gezicht.
Botox, daarentegen, is een middel dat spierbewegingen tijdelijk vermindert. Het wordt vaak gebruikt om dynamische rimpels, zoals kraaienpootjes en fronsrimpels, glad te strijken. Door de spieractiviteit te verminderen, helpt Botox het ontstaan van nieuwe rimpels te voorkomen en bestaande rimpels te verzachten.

Bij Van Lennep Kliniek bieden we deskundige consultaties en behandelingen met injectables, altijd afgestemd op de individuele behoeften van de cliënt. Veiligheid en natuurlijke resultaten staan bij ons voorop.

Safe injectables

Of course, carrying out a safe treatment is our first priority. Van Lennep Kliniek uses A-brand injectables and non-permanent, i.e. fully organic fillers. Our cosmetic doctors are accredited members of the NVCG and carry the title

·        Fillers met hyaluronzuur: Deze zijn populair vanwege hun natuurlijke voorkomen in het lichaam enhun vermogen om vocht aan te trekken en vast te houden. Merken zoals Juvéderm, Restylane en Belotero zijn veelgebruikte en goedgekeurde, veilige opties.

·        Calciumhydroxylapatiet fillers: Radiesse is een bekend merk dat gebruikmaakt van calciumhydroxylapatiet. Dit type filler stimuleert de natuurlijkecollageenproductie in de huid.

·        Poly-L-melkzuur fillers: Sculptra is een voorbeeld van een filler die werkt door decollageenproductie te stimuleren, wat resulteert in een geleidelijkeverbetering van het volume en de structuur van de huid.

·        Botox en andere neuromodulators: Naast Botox zijn er ook andere merken zoals Dysportdie hetzelfde actieve ingrediënt bevatten en veilig zijn voor gebruik.

Onze cosmetisch artsen zijn geaccrediteerd lid van de NVCG en dragen de titel cosmetic doctor KNMG. Injectables are a medical treatment, which means that we also ensure your safety in systems and protocols. Our doctors have all certifications, diplomas and repeatedly undergo appropriate training to stay up to date with the latest techniques and treatment methods. In addition, we have a

Daarnaast beschikken wij over een echo device, which makes filler treatments even safer. One first consultation is always free and free of charge. At Van Lennep, you can count on employees with a lot of experience and virtually painless treatments. The specialist takes the time to answer your questions and after the treatment, we can apply mineral makeup as a service so that you will leave the clinic  like nothing happened.

Tips for choosing a cosmetic doctor

Would you like to start with fillers or muscle relaxants and do you have questions such as:
  • How do I choose a trustworthy cosmetic doctor
  • How do I find a good clinic for cosmetic treatment with fillers or muscle relaxants?
  • What should I look for when choosing a cosmetic doctor or cosmetic clinic?


Everything you need to know about injetables
How quickly will I see the results?
After the treatment with a temporary muscle relaxant, such as a botulinum toxin, won't be visible straight away.The first effect is already visible a few days after the injection and after about 2 weeks, that effect is optimal. Injections with fillers do give immediate results and are optimal after 4-6 weeks. Treatments that stimulate collagen or skin improvement are only assessed after a number of treatments, or after a few months. This is because collagen stimulation, or skin repair, takes some time.
How long will the result remain visible?
The duration of the result may vary from person to person. After three to six months, a botox, or temporary muscle relaxant, wears off for most people and the treatment can be repeated without problems. With fillers, the effect is visible for 12 - 24 months, depending on the type of filler you have been treated with.
Is treatment with injectables painful?
Injectable treatments are not experienced as very painful by most of the people. In the botox treatment, we use the thinnest needle, the invisible needle. The pain sensation can be compared to epilating a hair. A filler treatment already contains standard anesthesia in the fillers, making the treatment almost painless. If you wish, we can apply anesthetic cream, or prescribe it to you, so that you can first apply it at home, prior to your appointment.
Is there downtime or a recovery period?
In general, all treatments are 'lunchtime treatments'. This means that you don't have to take the day (s) off. The risk of a bruise or redness is low and, as a service, we can apply mineral make-up so that you leave the clinic without anyone noticing anything. The doctor will also give you instructions on how to take care of the treated skin at home.
What do injectables cost?
You can find the most current treatment prices here retrive During an intake interview, you will receive appropriate advice and know the exact costs. For us, treatment with injectables is part of a personal treatment plan. During the intake, we look at the whole face with you in the mirror and discuss your wishes and our options.
Want to read more about injectables? Then read one of our fun blogs.

Free intake interview

As a new customer, we would like to invite you for a free and non-binding consultation worth €50. During this appointment, our doctor will provide you with treatment advice.