Van Lennep Kliniek is one of the first clinics in the Netherlands to work with ultrasound, namely the Lumify. A handy ultrasound of very high quality that can be used during injectable office hours. A nice technique that helps to take a good look at the deeper layers of the face during aesthetic treatments.
One of the main reasons for using this tool is that ultrasound can contribute to even safer treatment with injectables, especially the specific hyaluronic acid fillers. The sound waves visualize the soft and hard structures of the face and make elements visible that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Safe filler treatment with Lumify ultrasound
The ultrasound shows previous fillers if there is doubt about this. Especially customers who have been treated before and elsewhere sometimes no longer know what type of product, brand, or facial treatment was used. Both hyaluronic acid fillers and permanent fillers that have been banned for a long time can be clearly visualized. The latter is particularly important, as permanent fillers are permanent and the new filler treatment can be adapted to avoid complications. The treatment can thus be carried out safely.
Every face is different, including the anatomy. Vascular structures can be imaged using the ultrasound so that injections can take place more safely. The doctor can dream about the anatomy of the face, so in practice, this may be useful for clients with congenital facial defects, or if the client has experience with exceptional bruising without the use of blood thinners.
In case of complications, ultrasound also plays an important role. You can look at the exact location and size of the filler, whether there is a sealed vessel, or an inflammatory reaction, or bulge. Subsequently, targeted treatment can be done, such as dissolving the filler with hyaluronidase, or starting anti-inflammatory medication. Something that nobody wants and, fortunately, is rare, but that we are prepared for.
Does each customer receive an ultrasound before the filler treatment?
No, fortunately that is not necessary. During the intake, we will specifically check whether there are the issues mentioned above in points 1 to 3. If in doubt, the cosmetic doctor can perform the ultrasound.
In short, treatment according to the latest innovations is possible at the Van Lennep Clinic.
“Lumify ultrasound in practice by Drs. van der Made-Netten”
Who performs the ultrasound?
Drs. Ludy Holst attended renowned ultrasound training courses last year and Drs. With her previous work as a doctor in gynecology, Magali van der Made-Netten has gained extensive experience with ultrasound and trains this frequently to maintain mastery of the technique.