
The KNMG cosmetic doctor profession finally receives recognition

July 19, 2024
Published on
May 1, 2019

Finally, the time has come! The cosmetic medicine profile has been recognized by the KNMG *. This means that as of July 1, 2019, the title of cosmetic doctor is a protected title and will be seen as a recognized medical discipline alongside other medical specialties. “The time of malpractice with botox and fillers and bunnies is quickly a thing of the past!”

“I regularly see clients at the office hours who have first been treated elsewhere. The price has often been a lure. It is also understandable that it is difficult for the customer to choose between the different clinics. Unfortunately, I then see the client again due to a sad cosmetic outcome or sometimes a complication. Either a medical technical error has been made, or the intended end result has not been achieved, which has therefore cost the client unnecessary money. Of course, I am willing to look for the best solution together with the client. We will then schedule another intake interview, and together we will determine what treatment is needed to achieve the desired result.”

The profile recognition is a milestone when it comes to protecting clients against incompetent therapists, but also to offer qualified cosmetic doctors a protected qualification. Providing quality and safety in healthcare is an important pillar now and in the future. The NVCG ** recently conducted a study showing that there is still a growing demand for cosmetic treatments. Nearly 23% are under the age of 35. This shows that cosmetic medicine is increasingly established and that comes with responsibilities.

“Clients come to me for a second opinion because of a botox that wears off after a few weeks, or where it was injected in the wrong place. In addition, I see problems with fillers, where too much or in the wrong place has been injected, resulting in an unnatural result. To date, the client is often unclear whether the initial treatment was even performed by a certified cosmetic doctor.”

From 1 July 2019, clients will be able to check whether a cosmetic doctor is competent. All NVCG certified doctors will receive the protected title of KNMG cosmetic doctor as of 1 July 2019. To do this, it is possible to consult the KNMG register or check the NVCG website.

“Now that the competence of the cosmetic doctors recognized by the KNMG has been guaranteed, the assurance of quality and safety for the client has finally been complied with. I am grateful for all the work that our NVCG association has done for this, and also for making the right choice in time for this fantastic job! As a result, I will be a KNMG cosmetic doctor as of July 1, 2019 and we are also a training clinic!”

* KNMG = Royal Dutch Society for the Promotion of Medicine

** NVCG = Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine

Download the related article “Making yourself more beautiful can turn out ugly” (PDF | 72Kb)


Alles wat je moet weten over
Zijn de resultaten van injectable behandelingen permanent?
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Zijn injectable behandelingen veilig?
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Wat kan ik verwachten tijdens een injectable behandeling?
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As a new customer, we would like to invite you for a free and non-binding consultation worth €50. During this appointment, our doctor will provide you with treatment advice.