
Jawline fillers: everything you need to know about cosmetic surgery | Harper's BAZAAR

July 19, 2024
Published on
February 1, 2022

Dissatisfied with the contours of your jaw and are you considering jawline fillers? Then make sure you enter a cosmetic doctor's office prepared. After all, good preparation is essential for a pleasant and safe injectable treatment. What can you actually expect from the before and after picture of a jawline filler treatment? How much do jawline fillers cost? And what things can you do yourself to accelerate recovery after the injectable treatment? Together with cosmetic doctor Ludy Holst, Harper's Bazaar lists the most important information about jawline fillers for you.

Why jawline fillers?

Although it's not the most popular injectable treatment, there are many reasons why people are interested in jawline fillers. “Some people find their jawline too masculine and others find it too feminine,” says Dr. Ludy Holst, KNMG cosmetic doctor and owner of the Van Lennep Clinic. 'The jawline can also sag a lot over the years, causing fat lobes hanging from your jawline. These so-called tea bags provide a very outdated and gloomy look. In such cases, jawline fillers can provide a more youthful look. '

Jawline filler price

'The price of a jawline filler treatment starts at 550 euro, 'says Holst. “But ultimately, the price really depends on the shape of your face. For example, a man's jaw is already a bit squarer. If the jawline expires there, you can already treat it with 0.5 ml of filler per side. '

“A woman's jaw has more of a triangle shape, making it easier to sink down,” says Holst. “As a result, women are more likely to pay a higher price for a jawline filler treatment than men.” Holst does have a tip for saving costs in the long run. “Start on time. For example, the amount of volume loss is limited and you need to inject fewer milliliters of filler per treatment. '

Jawline filler hazards

“There are also salivary glands in the jaw area,” says Holst. “If you prick a gland with the needle, it can become inflamed, which is very annoying.” Symptoms of such inflammation include swelling, pain, and a throbbing sensation. Furthermore, you can also damage nerves during the treatment, after which part of your face may feel deaf.

With every filler treatment, there is also a chance that the filler will end up in a blood vessel. Fortunately, the chance of this is smaller with a competent doctor. You can also quickly dissolve the filler with the drug hyaluronidase, if things unexpectedly go wrong. If you are not there on time, part of your face will stop bleeding for too long and that part will die off. Of course, you want to prevent all these complications at all costs. The first step here is to choose a good therapist.

Good providers of jawline fillers

“The most important thing is to choose a doctor with a lot of experience,” says Holst. “So not one who occasionally adds injectables, but one who works a lot of hours and takes refresher courses.” A label that already helps you get started with the pre-selection is the title cosmetic doctor KNMG. This title is only awarded to doctors who have been trained in the field and who have been tested for their ability. On the website of the Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine you will find a register of all KNMG cosmetic doctors.

Tips for recovery after jawline fillers

“This treatment is actually a lunchtime makeover,” says Holst. “That means that after a jawline filler treatment, you can often return to your normal activities the same day.” Of course, there is always a chance of a bruise. Fortunately, you can reduce the chance of this by preparing yourself properly for the treatment. “Don't drink alcohol or take blood thinners beforehand,” says Holst. “It is also important that you do not have an appointment with the dentist for an operation just before or after the jawline filler treatment.”

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Text written by: URMI PAHLADSINGH  

The article was posted on Harper's BAZAAR


Alles wat je moet weten over
Zijn de resultaten van injectable behandelingen permanent?
De resultaten van injectable behandelingen zijn doorgaans tijdelijk en kunnen variëren van enkele maanden tot meer dan een jaar, afhankelijk van het gebruikte product en de individuele reactie van de patiënt. Regelmatige onderhoudsbehandelingen worden aanbevolen om de resultaten te behouden.
Zijn injectable behandelingen veilig?
Wanneer uitgevoerd door ervaren en gekwalificeerde professionals, zoals bij Van Lennep Kliniek, zijn injectable behandelingen over het algemeen veilig. Het is belangrijk om een grondig consult te hebben om uw medische geschiedenis en eventuele zorgen te bespreken.
Wat kan ik verwachten tijdens een injectable behandeling?
Tijdens de behandeling wordt het gekozen product met fijne naalden in specifieke gebieden van het gezicht geïnjecteerd. De procedure duurt meestal tussen de 15 en 30 minuten, afhankelijk van het te behandelen gebied. Er kan enige roodheid of zwelling optreden na de behandeling, maar dit verdwijnt meestal binnen enkele dagen.


Ozempic-face is een term die de veranderingen in het gezicht beschrijft na aanzienlijk gewichtsverlies door het gebruik van Ozempic. Hoewel het een zorg kan zijn voor sommige gebruikers, bieden injectable behandelingen een effectieve oplossing om het volume en de jeugdige uitstraling van het gezicht te herstellen. Bij Van Lennep Kliniek staan ervaren professionals klaar om u te begeleiden bij het kiezen van de juiste behandeling om uw natuurlijke schoonheid te behouden en te verbeteren.
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